7 (Easy!) All Natural Popsicles Recipes Perfect for Summer - Christ Centered Holidays

7 (Easy!) All Natural Popsicles Recipes Perfect for Summer

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My kids are crazy about popsicles! In fact, I think our entire family loves this summertime treat.

But you know what I don’t love? All the refined sugar and crazy additives in most store-bought popsicles.

So that’s why this summer my family and I have been “popsicle experimenters.”

Yep, this mama has been blending, pouring and freezing all kinds of mouthwatering concoctions in order to create healthy versions of our family’s (not so healthy) frozen treats.

(And my poor children have been relentlessly tortured with daily popsicle tastings. Tragic, isn’t it?)

Well, the results are in, and we’ve come up with 7 awesome all-natural popsicle recipes that we can’t wait to share with you!

Yes, 7 of them!!

Homemade popsicles can be so easy (and fun!) to make… that is, if you know some popsicle making secrets (and have some great recipes!). My kids and I have been experimenting in the kitchen (and with popsicle molds) and have come up with these 7 super yummy popsicle recipes! Plus… you won’t believe what the SECRET INGREDIENT is in these recipes!

These homemade popsicles are:

—made with real fruit
—naturally sweetened with banana, honey and/or maple syrup
—have a non-dairy option
—healthy versions of some all-time popsicle favorites

and… they each have a SECRET INGREDIENT that we found makes each recipe exceptionally tasty!

Can you guess what it is? I’ll bet you’ll be surprised!

I can’t wait to share these recipes (and reveal the secret ingredient with you)! Click next!


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About the Author

As a wife and mom to four passionate kids, Alicia Michelle loves encouraging women, married couples and families with practical tips for growing closer to God during holidays like Easter, Christmas and Thanksgiving. Alicia is the owner/editor of both ChristCenteredHolidays.com and YourVibrantFamily.com; the author of Plan to Be Flexible, The Back to School Survival Manual; and the creator/producer of the "7 Days to a Less Angry Mom Online Video Course,", Christ-Centered Christmas Resources and My Memory Box Organizing System. In addition, she is a monthly contributor for several popular family blogs, including Crosswalk.com. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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